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Interlude – Still in it.

by Doc Coleman October 13, 2014 Check In

Things have been quiet here for the past year. Some of you may think that I’ve given up. Not quite.


Episode 48 – Next stop, Balticon 47!

by The Shrinking Man May 21, 2013 Check In

Wow. It has been a while. Looks like the last regular episode was right at the end of last year. We had a couple of special episodes form Balticon 46 to tide folks over, but that’s not the same as having some fresh podcasty goodness! Well, this is fresh, timely, and hopefully quick. I wanted […]


Episode 47 – So Long 2012!

by The Shrinking Man December 31, 2012 Check In

I’m not dead yet! But 2012 is almost over, so here is an uncut retrospective episode to round out the year. This has been a year of ups and downs, but I still think there have been plenty of good things in 2012 worth remembering. If your year has been filled with more problems than […]


Episode 46 – They want me to do what?

by The Shrinking Man October 29, 2012 Check In

Another late episode, but not as late as the last one. Still doing uncut episodes for now. So, no philosophy, not much in the regular segments, but at least it is short! Trying to wrap this up quick and get it posted before the hurricane hits and we lose power and internet. Stay safe out […]


Episode 45 – Uncut

by The Shrinking Man September 4, 2012 Check In

Yee gods! It has been three months since I last did a podcast! That will never do. It has been a busy summer, but this has been a bit ridiculous. So, to try and get things back on track, I’m going to start doing some uncut, quick and dirty podcasts. like this one! Enjoy! Show […]


Episode 43 – Slacking

by The Shrinking Man May 19, 2012 Check In

Yes, it’s been a month. And then almost another month after recording this audio before it was ready for release. But now I’m back with a new episode! It has been a month of ups and downs, and a lot of different things going on behind the scenes. It has been a long, tough month. […]


Episode 42 – Gotta Get Out There!

by The Shrinking Man March 15, 2012 Check In

This week’s episode is a bit longer, and somewhat more rambly. I’ve taken a page from Nathan Lowell’s podcast Talking on my Morning Walk. This week’s episode was recorded while I was out walking my two-mile route near my house. It’s a little noisy, and there is a certain amount of heavy breathing, but what’s […]


Episode 41 – On the long, slow slide

by The Shrinking Man March 4, 2012 Check In

In the weeks past, I’ve had some luck with maintenance, but lately, it has become clear that I’m not yet where I need to be to be able to maintain my weight without much effort. In recent weeks, it has become obvious that I’m on the long, slow slide to gaining it back. This episode […]


Episode 40 – Setting Goals

by The Shrinking Man February 6, 2012 Check In

It is the beginning of a new year, and this is the time that most people start looking at setting their goals for the new year. So, I thought it was time that I take a look at the goals that people set and the different ways that they prevent themselves from meeting them. Time […]


Episode 39 – Happy Anniversary!

by The Shrinking Man January 19, 2012 Check In

Back after a long hiatus, and posting just a bit late for the content, but it is time to celebrate the first anniversary of The Shrinking Man Project! This also marks the end of the second year of my weight loss. I’ve come a long way in the past two years, and I’m glad to […]

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