Contact Me!

by The Shrinking Man on April 22, 2011

Be a part of The Shrinking Man Project! Tell me about your challenges, your victories, your tricks, and your troubles. Let me know if you want things to be kept confidential, or if it can be shared on the podcast. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

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Send me your e-mail!

If you want to talk more confidentially, or at greater length, you can always send me an e-mail at I look forward to talking with you.

Leave me a voice mail!

You can call the voice line at (240) 745-5022 and leave a message at any time. Or use the Google Voice Call Me widget at the right to place your call toll free from anywhere in the world. You won’t hear my lovely voice mail message, but your message will still get through!

Join the Fans of the Shrinking Man Project on Facebook!

Do you use Facebook? Why not join the Fans of The Shrinking Man Project? Get a direct line on the latest changes coming to The Shrinking Man Project, and share with the other Fans about your successes and challenges.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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