
Episode 17 – Take Your Time

by The Shrinking Man April 13, 2011 Check In

This last week wasn’t bad… it just seemed like nothing quite worked out the way I expected. Yes, that’s the way things usually work out in the world, it’s just that this week there seemed to be more of it than usual. I survived, and I live to podcast another day. And of course, no […]


Episode 14 – The Hijack Highway

by The Shrinking Man March 25, 2011 Check In

Welcome back, folks. We’re finally back to Philosophy this week. This week we are looking at The Hijack Highway, and what it is that makes you react instead of think. Usually with results you really wanted to avoid. This week we are featuring a new promo for Nutty Bites! Have you been listening? Enjoy the […]


Episode 8 – Small Steps

by The Shrinking Man February 7, 2011 Check In

Welcome back, folks. This week we have a long and rambly podcast named Small Steps. Go figure. We’re back to Philosophy this week, looking at how to deal with big projects by breaking them down into smaller pieces. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a lot of prep work done, so this has turned out to be […]

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Episode 6a – No silver bullet

by The Shrinking Man January 23, 2011 Philosophy

We’re back to Philosophy this week. And I’m back to another busy weekend. In order to keep you from waiting too terribly long for the next episode, I’ve split this week’s installment in two. This half will include the philosophy section, and I’ll release this week’s check in later this week. after I’ve had a […]


Episode 4 – Why are we here?

by The Shrinking Man January 9, 2011 Check In

Hello, again. We’re back to Philosophy this week. We’re taking a look at what motivates someone to lose weight, and how to keep that motivation going. The Promo is from Rich Sigfreid’s podcast Requiem of the Outcast. Don’t listen to the promo while drinking! This is hilarious stuff! Enjoy the show. See you next week! […]


Episode 1 – Rule Number 1

by The Shrinking Man December 19, 2010 Check In

Welcome to the first episode of The Shrinking Man Project! It’s been a lot of work to get to this point, but now I’m ready to launch. First I’m going to share a bit of the story behind why I decided to create the podcast, then we are starting off with a bit of philosophy […]